Video of the Day

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23 August 2019

    First of all, I will let you know I'm not such type of devotee who believe God lives in temples. True worship is to follow our duties. But, sometimes we seek for God in temples for our own selfishness while we know God lives in each particles. I was also trying for  grease the palm of God going to somewhere Prayag or Ayodhya.
         Last year, when I was in National PG College, I got 1k + subscribers. Curiousness is a human behavior and I'm not out of human civilization so I also looking day stars and living in the Shakespeare's Utopia. Now, YouTube will pay me, I will develop my content and make it royal. Day be day, I will become a good name and off course, financial malaise will go away. So, I applied for YouTube monetisation. So, I decided to go to a famous temple and bathe in Ganga or Saryu.

Yet to come....

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